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What's new in Microsoft Teams February/March 2022

Microsoft continues innovating and updating Microsoft Teams. We like to take a moment each month to go over some highlights that might benefit your company or team. Let’s take a look at what’s new in Microsoft Teams for February and March of 2022.

Pin a message in chat

Pin a specific message to the top of a chat so that it is always visible to the members of the chat—regardless of the number of messages that come afterwards. Pin or unpin any message and select the pinned message to jump to its original location. Currently, only a single message can be pinned at a time and any chat members can freely pin or unpin a message in the chat.

Change how many messages you see at one time

Whether you want to optimize to see more text at once or read less text at a more comfortable level, Teams lets you customize the chat density to suit your needs. By default, chat density is set to comfy mode, but if you'd like to see more text you can change this in your settings. 

Turn off mirror my video

You now have the option to stop mirroring the image of your video preview—the small preview window that allows you to see what your video looks like during meetings. So you can see your video preview the way other meeting participants see you. This makes it less distracting for presenters when trying to lead discussions, lessons, etc., during online meetings. 

Updated companion mode for iOS users

Now with a single tap you can join a meeting on both your iOS device and Microsoft Teams Rooms. Audio on your device will be automatically turned off to ensure echo does not happen. The landing experience on the iPhone will be optimized for engagement activities to make it easier to raise a hand or react, chat, see all participants, and access Microsoft Whiteboard. In addition to joining a meeting, it is easier to access meeting and device controls, like the ability to cast a PowerPoint, turn room cameras on and off, and more.

Support open-text question poll for Teams meeting

For Microsoft Forms polls in Teams meetings, there is a new option for engaging with your attendees – Word Cloud Poll. You can use this type of poll to collect attendees' open-ended responses before, during, or after a meeting, and the results will be automatically aggregated and displayed as a word cloud.

Every Keystroke Counts

As I like to remind people, every keystroke costs money. But how do you know which new features in Microsoft will really help you and your team down the road? When you’re paired with the right Certified Microsoft Trainer for your team, they stay on top of that for you. Connect with us today so we can help you find the right trainer for your team, and start saving your company time and money.